GeoTrust True BusinessID SAN EV

  • Free Site Seal: Yes
  • Browser compatibility: 99.3%
  • Wildcard enabled: No
  • Free unlimited Server Licensing
  • Validation: Extended
  • Issuance time: 2-10 days
  • Free Reissues: Yes
  • Green Address bar: Yes
  • Installation Checker: No
  • Warranty: $500,000
  • SAN Information
  • 5 Domains

    Already included to standard package
  • $0.00/yr

    Price per each additional domain
  • 20

    Maximum amount of additional domains
  • Secures domain
    or subdomain
  • Can be installed on
    different IP's
  • Secures both
    with/without WWW
Extended Validation SSL Certificate

You must provide Company Documents to pass the validation

SSL Certificate description

The GeoTrust True BusinessID SAN give you the opportunity to secure anything up to 25 separate domains using just the one SSL certificate. You can edit, add and remove domains whenever you wish.

This SSL certificate can be used to secure OWA, Outlook, ActiveSync or SMTP Anywhere. You can secure 25 common names and conveniently just have the one certificate to save time and money. The GeoTrust SAN SSL Unified Communications SSL certificate is designed for Microsoft exchange or Microsoft Communications servers. It is perfect for small businesses with QA testing environments and shared hosting environments. This is because it can secure a single server. It will use up to 256-bit encryption. It is quick and easy to install as well, with installation manuals to make everything simple.

It can just take a few minutes before the padlock appears on the browser and the website is protected. Customers will appreciate that there data is being protected. You will get a site seal stamp with time and date so that site visitors can check up on the protection that you have.

UCC/SAN Support
  • Subject Alternative Name (SAN) SSL Certificates

    SAN SSL certificates are Subject Alternative Name and they can also be called Unified Communication Certificates (UCC). These were developed for Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Office Communications Server products. It is possible to secure domain names or common names with just the one certificate. This applies to external domain names and internal network names.

  • Extended Validation SSL Certificate

    Extended Validation SSL Certificate is the highest assurance certificate and is an excellent tool to reassure your visitors. The Green Address Bar which is available only with EV SSL Certificate, will immediately indicate to your visitors that the website is secured and verified.
    List of required documents to get Extended Validation SSL Certificate.