Comodo PositiveSSL

  • Free Site Seal: Yes
  • Browser compatibility: 99.3%
  • Wildcard enabled: No
  • Free unlimited server licensing
  • Validation: Domain
  • Issuance time: 3-4 minutes
  • Free Reissues: Yes
  • Green Address bar: No
  • Installation Checker: Yes
  • Warranty: 10,000$
  • Secures domain
    or subdomain
  • Can be installed on
    different IP's
  • Secures both
    with/without WWW

SSL Certificate description

The Comodo Positive SSL is the cheapest SSL certificate which is fast and of a high quality. It is a 256-bit certificate and has great browser compatibility. It is possible to get it working within just three minutes and quick and easy to set up.

The Comodo Positive SSL certificate is an entry level one which allows for SSL domain validation. It produces a yellow lock on the address line so customers can see that their data is being kept private and being encrypted. It is the right choice for small online stores or entry level websites. There are no papers needed in order to get one.

It does provide a cost effective way to increase the trust on your website. It offers value for money as it is not too expensive but still delivers a quality product. It is one of the most popular products in IT security and will help to save time and effort. It will help to protect a website that is just on one domain and secure separate parts of it.

Quick to set up – Positive SSL certificates do not authenticate the business, but provide domain validation, which means that they are quick to set up. With positive SSL being trusted by 99.3% of the Internet population, you can be sure that you are getting great coverage. Many other companies charge a lot more for a product that is so highly thought of.

  • Secured Site Seal. Show the website is secured

    A secure site seal will show all users that the site has been protected. You can get it free and display it on your website so that the potential customers visiting it will automatically know that the site has 256-bit encryption. They will know that they are protected and will trust the website. The more trust they have, the more sales you will make.

  • Domain Validation SSL Certificate

    A domain validation SSL certificate is available for all individuals and businesses. There is no paperwork involved; you just have to provide validation by email. You be sent an automatic message that you will have to respond to in order to be sent the certificate. It happens extremely quickly and there are not even call backs necessary in order to get it.

  • Supported Devices by Comodo Certificates

    Browser and devices compatibility is the most important part of SSL usage. Comodo SSL Certificates are supported by 99,9+ browsers and devices.